Friday, February 29, 2008

Shabbat with Solly and Maya

Jonah turned 18 months old this month. He's thriving - walking, running, and talking up a storm. He's in the 77% percentile for height, 68% for weight, and 97% for head size! He and Ariella are starting to play beautifully. She takes him by the arm and runs throughout the house with him, giggling.

Ariella is also blossoming into a delightful girl. Here are some pictures from a recent Shabbat.

This first picture was at our friend Tish's daughter's first birthday, at the beginning of February.

Here are Maya and Ariella

Note how Solly and Jonah are dressed identically. Jonah's favorite thing, other than his cars, is to sit on someone's lap and be read to.

It is nearly impossible to get a good picture of Ariella and Jonah together. I need a faster lens! This is the best I could do. Will work on more.

Solly and Jonah, having a good time.

Maya, reading Purplicious to Ariella

More Shabbat photos.

Jonah, trying to play the recorder.

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