Jonah turned two months old yesterday. He's now smiling all the time, sometimes a very sly smile, as you can see from the pictures. On the first day of October, we went to Half Moon Bay to a giant pumpkin patch for a birthday party. There was a petting zoo. This past weekend, to celebrate Jonah being two months old, we went to Santa Cruz. Every fall, the monarch butterflies return to Santa Cruz as they migrate south for the winter. We saw them on a nice sunny day in the butterfly grove at Natural Bridges State Beach. There were 3800 butterflies or so, flying around - the peak number will be around 12000 close to Thanksgiving. No pictures of butterflies this time - maybe in November.
Enjoy the pictures!
Ariella and Rick, feeding a goat in Half Moon Bay, 10/1/06.

Ariella and Gaia, Half Moon Bay, California, 10/1/06.

Ariella and Jonah at home, October 2006.

The Frenkels at Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California, 10/15/06

Andi and Jonah on the beach

Ariella posing in the sand

By the "natural bridge"

Santa Cruz, California, 10/15/06

Redhead with a smile
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