Here's Andi welcoming Jonah just minutes after his birth.

Here's proof that Jonah weighed just shy of 9 lbs 7 oz.!!! A big healthy boy!

Just as she did for Ariella's birth three years ago in Santa Monica, Andi's friend Julie came to the birth and helped out, seeing the whole thing first-hand! Here's a picture while in labor.

Here's Jonah at peace, minutes after birth, having been cleaned up.

Ariella came to see her new little brother. Here's Andi, mother of 2.

And here's the whole family of 4.

Snuggling Grandma Charlotte ("Gamaw") on her shoulder.

After two days in the hospital, Andi and Jonah were ready to come home (and Rick, too). This is the same outfit Ariella was in when she came home from the hospital.

Here we are after coming home from the hospital - Ariella in her "I'm a big sister T-shirt" and Jonah in the car seat. The stork on the right of the picture was made by Rick's great-grandfather Sol Frenkel in 1942 to welcome home twins Steve and Alan. It was also used to welcome Rick, his sister Robin, and Alan's children Beth and Amy. In this generation, it has been used to welcome Ariella, Robin's daughter Nina, Amy's daughter Alli, and now Jonah - the first boy the stork has welcomed in 40 years.
Jonah's bris will be on August 24, 3 years after Rick's Uncle Alan passed away.

Ariella, Andi, Gamaw Charlotte and Jonah, everyone happy to be home.

Ariella has amazed us with how warmly she has welcomed an addition to the family (any bets on how long until she asks us to send him back)?

Hope everyone likes the blog!
Dad and Donna thank you for the wonderful photos. Lots of love to all.
Wonderful pictures and news from the Golden State.
Great California Family. Looking forward to serving the honor of Sandik at Brit Milah with Uncle Jonathan.Love from Poppie AND Bubbie Judie!
Great California Family. Looking forward to serving the honor of Sandik at Brit Milah with Uncle Jonathan.Love from Poppie AND Bubbie Judie!
A great idea!
I wish i knew what a blogg is... It is great to have in such a way all your pictures arranged.
Jonah (or Jonathan?) is a very big baby - I am really amazed! and still the birth looks so calm for you, Andi . I realy admire you. We Wish you all the happines. It seems Ariella will like her brother all the way. He is not a competitor when it comes to dolls... He is her doll now.
I wish we could join the Brith Milla...
Yours, Loving
Yael Avital
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