Instead of staying far inland, as we have done in previous trips, this time we chose to stay at the new Hilton in Ft. Lauderdale, right across from the beach. This was the view from our balcony.

Andi and Jonah enjoying the view from the balcony.

Ariella(in an outfit that used to be Andi's) and Great-grandma Ruth, in Century Village.

Great-grandma Ruth watches Jonah at play.

Four generations at dinner to celebrate her 99th birthday (which was earlier in November): Great-grandma Ruth, Charlotte, Andi's sister Suzanne, Andi and Ariella (who is again wearing a dress Andi wore when she was Ariella's age).

Of course we spent a lot of time at the beach, when the winds allowed! We had no rain the entire trip until the day we left. Here, Ariella and Gamah Charlotte dip their feet in the Atlantic.

Rick and Jonah on the beach.

Ariella with Aunt Suzy at a playground.

We also spent some time with Rick's cousin Amy, and her husband Michael and daughter Alli, who were in from Detroit visiting Michael's family. Here's Rick, Jonah, and Amy.

Ariella and Alli played beautifully & shared headphones to watch Monsters, Inc. on the video iPod during the Loooong wait for food at the restaurant.

I still have no idea how we got 3 kids ages 1-4 to pose for this picture.

Alli popped out at the last moment, but here we all are in the circles.

The hotel had a great pool, too, which unfortunately was located in a wind tunnel! We really enjoyed it, esp. the jacuzzis.

Back to Great Grandma Ruth's for one more visit before going home.

Somehow we ended up with no pictures from Thanksgiving, but we had a great celebration at Suzanne & Richard's house in Coral Springs, along with Aunt Marlene, Great Grandma Ruth and her friend Arnold, and more. Aunt Suzy and Uncle Richard made a tremendous feast, and we stayed the entire day! The following night, we went to Aunt Marlene's condo for Shabbat. Here's Aunt Marlene with Suzanne, Andi, and the kids.

The Frenkel family, November 2007 (Jonah, 15 months, Ariella, 4.25 years).

Over November, Jonah became obsessed with cars and trucks. He screams for them when he sees them in books. Here, he shows his enthusiasm!

I promise to get the December pictures posted before Valentine's Day!!!