Here we are at New Years' Eve, where we had a party with our friends.

Here are Ariella and Jonah at Jonah's 5-month mark, hamming it up for the camera.

Jonah loves cuddling with the beautiful pillow made for him by cousin Aimee Nosomowitz.

Ariella and Jonah on 2/1/07. Ariella continues to amaze us with how smart and perceptive she is. She now knows how to read all of her letters, upper case and lower case, and is working on a few words. For example, she can read the names of all of the kids in her preschool class. And she has developed a great sense of humor. Her latest joke: she asked, "if a doggy sees something really amazing, mommy, does he go bow-WOW?" She also said, at 3 1/2 years, "when i'm everything that i want to be, i can do it all!"

And here's Jonah, just after trying solid food for the first time, on 2/4/07. I think the caption should be, "wait a minute, so that's what this eating thing is all about. yum!"